Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rounds 1 and 2 go to Fran

Guest blogger-husband post:
I just spoke with the plastic surgeon (and the surgical oncologist earlier this morning) and he said that everything went as well as he could have hoped in surgery today. Fran is leaving the OR now and heading to recovery. I'm hoping to get back to see her in an hour or so. Fran's sisters Lisa and Sara have been waiting with me at the hospital all day. Thanks girls! A lot of waiting, but a great outcome so far.


  1. YES! Nick, thanks for the post-op update. It's been on my mind all morning and I logged onto the blog hoping to see an update and ... you delivered. I'm breathing happy sighs of relief and yes, doing a little happy dance for Fran and you guys. Keep us posted and give that gorgeous gal my best.

  2. Thanks for keeping us informed Nick. Love to each of you.

  3. that's great nick--cathy & yeong

  4. Thanks for the post, Nick. I've had all of you in my thoughts and prayers today. Well, especially you since Fran "slept" through the procedures and the kids are too young to really be worried. SO glad it's going as well as can be expected!

  5. Great to hear. Hugs to you all.

  6. hugs hugs hugs to you all. thanks for the update nick.
